The Most Common Fears Of People In North Carolina Might Not Be What You Think
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Fear can be real and it can be debilitating. Having a true phobia can cause you to avoid things or places and miss out on important things in life. Most people while afraid of things, can still function despite those phobias. I have a few things I’m afraid of most are within reason, some a little perhaps irrational- like my fear of birds. Two words- Alfred Hitchcock. I was 8 and forever traumatized. And for a lot of people, their fears can be traced back to an incident like that. But what are the most common fears and more specifically the most common fears of people in North Carolina? I’m glad you asked.
Our friends at BetCarolina set out to answer that question and they shared their research with us. They used Google search engine data to determine the fears that North Carolinians are searching/have been searching in the past year. And the results could potentially be surprising. A couple of these were fears I didn’t know existed. There was one main omission that I’m SHOCKED about as it involves an animal most people I know are terrified of. And the number one “phobia”? It’s something that isn’t officially categorized as a “phobia”. Though it is certainly something that can make you uncomfortable.
Most Common Fears In North Carolina
I’m having a hard time believing snakes aren’t on this list. What surprises you the most about the most common fears in North Carolina? Let us know on social media! Thanks again to our friends at BetCarolina for graciously sharing their research with us.
6 Of The Most Terrifying Haunted Attractions In North Carolina
Scared yet? Spooky season is upon us which means it’s time to plan your Halloween fun. And what is Halloween without visiting at least one Haunted House, trail, or attraction? Why watch a horror movie when you could experience it for yourself? There are many haunted attractions in North Carolina, so chances are there is one near you. Some are haunted houses or indoor mazes. Others are outdoors through corn mazes, woods, or perhaps lakeside. And the best part? Most of these haunted locations have a number of attractions so you get lots of scares for your money.
I’ve chosen to highlight six of the best-haunted attractions in North Carolina. These are all in the greater Charlotte region, within about an hour and a half drive from the Queen City. And even if some of these are a little far- they are worth the drive for sure! Each location on this list offers something unique and is either one I personally have visited or has come highly recommended by friends! As with any haunted experience, the goal of these attractions is to find any way to scare you. One even says if someone hasn’t peed their pants by the end of the night well they didn’t do their job. So these are not for the faint of heart. Most have restrictions and will not allow children under the age of 12 to visit.
So visit or enter at your own risk. If you dare. Keep reading to see 6 of the best haunted attractions in the Charlotte North Carolina region. Have an attraction you love that I missed? Be sure to reach out to us on social media to let us know! Happy Haunting.
Melanie Day is a graduate of North Carolina State University. She has worked for Beasley since 2012 in a variety of behind-the-scenes roles in both digital and promotions. Melanie writes about a diverse range of topics some of her favorites include travel, restaurants, Taylor Swift, and college athletics. When not at work you'll find her at a country concert or NC State sporting event.