How About THIS For Halloween Yard Art
This is the yard decoration that was in our yard for YEARS for Halloween. We love Halloween, but in all honesty, I’ve become VERY pessimistic about upcoming holidays.
I mean, with the whole Coronavirus Pandemic still engulfing us, Labor Day Weekend is gonna feel a lot like July4th did which is to say, watered down at best.
Thanksgiving? Gonna be tough to be feeling thankful this year, right?
Christmas? All you need to know is that Santa’s biggest fear used to be a kid peeing on his lap, now?
Which leaves Halloween. If ANY holiday has a high probability for success and normalcy it’s Halloween. I mean, you’re ALREADY wearing a mask, right?
Which takes us back to the yard decoration. We’re lame. This is SO next level. Here’s a suggestion for that special something for your yard decorating that will set you a part for sure! And perhaps horrify some Disney-loving little girls. I mean, who would put “Ariel the mermaid’s” skeleton in the yard?!