Mom Taking Heat For Son’s 5th Birthday Party At Hooters
Let me start by saying I think a lot of you may be surprised where I come down on this. First though, let’s reminisce about some of the great birthday parties you had. While you’re thinking of yours, let me share mine. My mom and dad specialized in making every December 5th special. I remember epic trips to the putt-putt golf course. Another year, they took my friends and me to an indoor amusement park for kids in the Houston area called, “Peppermint Park.”
I can’t believe I was able to find video of that place. It’s been closed forever. Anyway, still another December 5th was celebrated by my dad getting up at the crack of dawn to stand in line at a movie theater to make sure we had tickets to see “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” on opening day. It was awesome. We’ve tried to carry on the family tradition of making the most of our son’s birthdays. I’d be willing to bet if he was here right now, he’d tell you his mom and dad did pretty good. Okay, so we’ve got the background here. I love birthdays. I love celebrating my kid’s birthdays. NOW, here’s the story at hand. Darby Allison shared a video of her son’s big day. Her son is 5, from Iowa, and considers himself a connoisseur of pickles. And the anniversary of his birth was celebrated at Hooters.
As you can imagine, the internet has gone bananas with criticism. I’m going to take another tack. Would you think twice about criticizing a child’s birthday party that took place at a local pool? How about at the beach? Probably not. Would it surprise you to know that the women at the pool and the beach are FAR more scantily clad and sexualized than the Hooters employees? It’s an unarguable fact. Not only that, but the food at Hooters is pretty good. So, if Darby’s son loves Hooters’ wings, what’s the problem here? I remember the first time I went to a Hooters (when I moved to Florida after college, they did not have them in Texas at the time). I think I was expecting to need a pocket full of dollar bills and see waitresses slinging wings while sliding down steel poles. Not quite. It was and is just a restaurant. The uniforms are unique, yes. But obscene? Not hardly. So, internet…give this mother a break. And to her son? Happy Birthday!