Like French Fries In The Ocean
Like french fries in the ocean. What is this? Hang on, I’ll get there. Tell me, how do you describe your life’s perfect moments? Wait. First, let’s start by defining what these moments are. Now, I’m not talking about the big ones. Of course, weddings, births, etc., these are perfect. And they are also HUGE touchstone moments in everyone’s life. No, what I’m referring to here are the little instances of purity that show up as you navigate your life’s highway.
I got to thinking about this after a wonderful night. My son turned 23 last week. For those that don’t know the story, I won’t bore you again with the entire thing here, but he was born more that 2 months early and weighed 2 pounds at birth. For lack of a better term, he’s a miracle. So, his birthday is a huge deal. However, he’s been at college for his day the last four years. This was the first since high school we (my wife, Debbie and I) got to spend with him. He came in from Coastal Carolina and met us at Postino at the Bowl at Ballantyne for dinner and drinks.

It was a perfect moment. It was like french fries in the ocean. I know, there’s that weird statement again. That’s how I describe my life’s perfect moments now. And this is a recent development,
A few weeks ago, we did the radio show for three days from the island of Curacao. On the Sunday before Monday’s initial broadcast, we’d had an interesting, informative, but kind of exhausting day with the island’s tourism department. All we (along with Debbie and our friend Melanie) wanted to do afterward was to just go float in the beautiful, blue Caribbean. At least, that’s all *I* thought we wanted to do. Turns out the ladies also wanted french fries and cocktails. Cocktails at any hour at a Sandals resort is easy. However, I don’t think either of them thought I could pull off the french fries request. Well, I didn’t just make magic happen (the grill had shut down for the afternoon and the cook did me a HUGE solid), I delivered them, IN THE OCEAN, ON A SILVER PLATTER. Literally.

I don’t know if you’ve been around the strange breed woman when craving french fries and cocktails, but when they do, and the request is manifested into reality? It’s a good moment. According to Melanie (a fine connoisseur of this particular culinary combination), the ocean delivery and silver platter presentation took it over the top to the next level. It was a perfect moment. As great as having a flawless life occurrence (like the one with my son) is, to be able to PROVIDE one? The best.
So now, any time an immaculate point in time happens for me, I say, out loud, it’s like french fries in the ocean. See, then I get to explain what it means. And I get to relive a perfect moment all over again. Like now. French fries in the ocean, it’s doesn’t get better than that.