Four Day Workweek-‘Yay’ Or Nay?
Would you say yay or nay to a four day workweek? I often say I look for work/life balance. And, that means many things. Obviously, it refers to making time for family and friends while navigating work responsibilities. However, I always say there’s an imbalance of days on to days off. And, who came up with this 5 to 2 ratio anyway? Furthermore, in some cases, folks work 6 or 7 days. Perhaps you heard Bernie Sanders is pushing for a bill to establish a four day workweek. And, here’s how it would work.
First, there’s no loss of pay in the bill. But, the “Thirty-Two Hour WorkWeek Act” reduces the standard week from 40 to 32 hours. Thus, it lowers the maximum hours before overtime pay kicks in for nonexempt employees. And, another aspect of the bill provides for overtime pay at time and a half if the workday exceeds 8 hours. Plus, it even doubles regular pay for days requiring longer than 12 hours.
Of course, as with anything of this nature there are pros and cons. It’s been a minute since I was an hourly paid employee. But, I do remember the grind. And, I work with plenty of folks on the time clock. So, I see the frustrations and complaints of quality of life concerning a balance. I know employers probably face frustrations of low productivity when it comes to some in the workforce. And, some employees take advantage of passing hours to clock in for pay without performing all the tasks required.
However, good, conscientious employees tend to be productive no matter the circumstances. And, there’s always bad apples that find ways to get more for less. But, that’s the case with employers, too. Plus, with unlimited ways to get in touch with workers in the age of technology it’s almost expected that workers respond to late night and weekend emails even when they’re not clocked in. So, it’s worth considering this idea of a four day workweek. After all, that same technology that annoys us with weekend emails, texts and virtual meetings also allows more productivity in a shorter amount of hours doesn’t it?
According to an article from PBS, a group of 61 companies in Britain participated in a trial of a shorter workweek last year. And, they discovered a majority of workers reported less stress and better balance with better productivity and engagement. For more on the four day workweek bill, see the full story from NBC News.
North Carolina Employers Here Is What Your Employees Actually Want
What do your employees actually want from their employer? I’m so glad you asked! And no it’s not pizza or donuts or a Yeti tumbler with the company logo. Those are nice but so far down the totem pole when it comes to keeping your employees happy. There must have been something in the air yesterday. I was sent an email regarding tips for employee happiness and also came across some Instagram posts that got me thinking.
The Disconnect Between The Boardroom and The Breakroom
Take one more moment and read that again. The more I think about it, the more true I find it. The disconnect between employees and employers. I don’t doubt that many employers are not intentionally making their employees feel undervalued and unimportant. But that doesn’t mean that those employees don’t feel that way. Nor does it invalidate their feelings. You don’t need negative intent to make people feel bad. I’ve worked for some incredible bosses in my life who honestly made me want to run through a brick wall do to anything and everything help them. And I’ve worked for some not-so-great ones as well. I’ve also worked for some who I thought were incredible but eventually the “act” ended and the truth was revealed. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about. Instead, I’m here to help. To spell out the problem and offer ideas as to how to overcome it.
This brings me to an email that included research shared with me by our friends at Deputy and Voice Nation. According to data 1 in 6 Americans reported that they would be happier with their job if they had a different manager. For anyone who runs a business, there is no question that the goal is for it to be successful and profitable. And the best (and in my opinion ONLY) way to achieve this is through happy and productive employees. When employees feel valued you have less turnover and they are willing to work harder for you. It’s the people on the bottom that keep businesses afloat- Amazon couldn’t function without delivery drivers and warehouse workers. But I bet it would survive without Jeff Bezos.
So I promised you ways to keep your employees happy, engaged, and productive. Here you go:
Debbie Nance is the afternoon co-host along with her husband on "The Charlie and Debbie Show" at WSOC, Country 1037 in Charlotte, North Carolina. She has been with the station for 18 years. Debbie is a CMA Award winner for Radio Personality of the Year. And, she has worked in radio for 40 years. Before her current afternoon position, Debbie spent more than a decade as co-host on morning shows in several markets across the Southeast. As a content creator for Country 1037, Debbie writes articles about food, new restaurants in the Carolinas and travel experiences.