1970s Beer Commercial Icon Passes Away

Lately this has been happening a lot. I will be having a conversation with friends that will inevitably lead to, “Hey, whatever happened to _____?” Then, within a few days, this person will pop up in the news-seemingly out of the clouds. Case in point, the passing of comedian Bill Saluga was announced this weekend. Saluga was an icon of 1970s beer commercials.
Back in the 1970s and 1980s Miller Lite was famous for its “Less Filling, Tastes Great!” television campaign. These would feature celebrities arguing over which beer virtue was better. Bill Saluga participated in more than one of these as his onstage alter ego, “Raymond J. Johnson Jr.” Deadline described his act best. Saluga would be triggered by someone calling him “Mr. Johnson.” Feigning outrage, he would then launch into a soliloquy for his catchphrase, “You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, or you can call me…” He would then ramble through every conceivable permutation of his name before finishing with “…but you doesn’t has to call me Johnson!”
To everyone who ever saw Bill Saluga do his thing, he was simply known as the “You can call me Ray” guy. His schtick was indeed iconic. You could not escape Saluga’s catchphrase. Like Clara Peller (“Where’s the Beef”) and the “Whazzzup!” guys from Budweiser, not only was Saluga’s act on television constantly, but everyone you knew in your life was just waiting for the chance to mimic it.
Bill Saluga passed away due to complications from arthritis and heart issues. He was 85. I only hope, at the pearly gates, St. Peter called him “Johnson” one more time.
North Carolina Named One Of Top 10 States For Beer Lovers
April 7th is National Beer Day! Which if you’re a beer lover or casual beer drinker is reason enough to celebrate. So celebrate we will! I wouldn’t classify myself as a beer lover by any means, but it is my go-to before football games and at outdoor concerts, in the summer you’ll usually find me with a Corona. Take me to a brewery though and I honestly never have any idea what to order. So while our friends at BetCarolina ranked the best states for beer lovers, I don’t fit that category. But if you are reading this then chances are you do! And the good news is that North Carolina ranked in the top 10 states for beer lovers.
The rankings take into account quality, quantity, and affordability. NC’s highest score came in the affordability category. Here’s exactly how BetCarolina calucated these rankings, they “utilized BeerAdvocate.com to get the average rating of beers brewed in the state (ratings given out of 5), BrewersAssociation.org to get the amount of breweries per capita (per 100,000 residents) and MakeBeerEasy.com for the average price of a 24-pack per state. Once acquiring that information, we averaged out the ranking of the states to get our final rankings.”
They ranked all 50 states but below you’ll find the top 13. You can read the full study here. Cheers and Happy National Beer Day beer lovers! Celebrate accordingly.
Charlie Nance is the Afternoon Drive co-host (along with his wife) of "The Charlie and Debbie Show" at WSOC, Country 1037 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The couple have been with the radio station since 2006. Charlie has won the prestigious CMA (Country Music Association) Award for Radio Personality of the Year and has been a finalist for the Country Radio Hall of Fame four times. Prior to his time in Charlotte, Charlie (along with Debbie) spent more than a decade hosting successful morning radio shows in Greenville, SC; Augusta, Ga; and Birmingham, Al. As a content creator for Country 1037, Charlie writes about dream lottery windfalls, sports, restaurants and bars, and travel experiences in North and South Carolina.